How To Keep Raccoons Away From Tent?

Raccoons are known for their intelligence and agility, which makes them difficult to keep away from your tent. There are many ways to deter raccoons from coming near your tent, but some of the most common include installing a guard rail, using repellent, and setting up a noise deterrent.

If all else fails, you can try trapping or shooting the raccoons. However, this is only an option if they are persistent and have become a nuisance. Remember to keep your tent clean and tidy in order to minimize the chances of attracting raccoons. If you are camping in an area where raccoons are common, it is always a good idea to bring along a deterrent such as pepper spray.

Keep these tips in mind if you want to stay safe while camping and avoid having to deal with pesky raccoons.

How To Keep Raccoons Away From Tent

Source: Raccoonremovalhamilton

How To Keep Raccoons Away From Tent

If you are camping and would like to keep raccoons away from your tent, there are a few things that you can do. For starters, install a wildlife guard.

This will help to deter the raccoons from entering your tent in the first place. If they do manage to get in, set up a scarecrow nearby to frighten them off.

Furthermore, install motion sensor lights so that you can see approaching raccoons at night and scare them away with a loud noise if necessary. Finally, hang a raccoon cage near your tent in order to catch them should they become troublesome.

Install A Wildlife Guard

Raccoons are intelligent animals that can learn to open and use your tent, leaving you stranded in the wilderness. Installing a wildlife guard can help keep raccoons away from your tent and protect you from possible injuries.

There are a few different types of guards available on the market, so find one that is best suited for your needs. You may need to place the guard near the entrance or at an important part of the tent where raccoons tend to congregate.

Some guards come with bells or lights that scare away raccoons and make it difficult for them to enter the tent. When installing a wildlife guard, be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them closely to avoid any problems.

If you do experience problems with raccoons invading your tent, don’t hesitate to contact a professional installer who can help solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

Remember to always store your gear securely when not in use, especially if you are camping in an area frequented by raccoons

Set Up A Scarecrow

If you’re looking to keep raccoons away from your tent or camping gear, setting up a scarecrow may be the answer for you.

Raccoons are naturally inquisitive and will often explore new things, so using a scarecrow will make them think twice about coming near your gear.

You can find scarecrows in a variety of materials, including wood, fabric, and plastic. Once you have chosen the appropriate scarecrow, it is important to set it up in an area where raccoons frequent.

Scarecrows can be moved as needed to accommodate changing wildlife habits, but make sure to leave it in an easily-accessible spot. For added security, consider attaching bells or other noises to your scarecrow to spook the animals even more.

Raccoons are intelligent animals and they quickly learn how to avoid traps and scarecrows. Be prepared for some damage if you decide to use a scarecrow – particularly if you live in an urban area – so be sure to protect your investment!

Install Motion Sensor Lights

Raccoons are attracted to shiny objects, so installing motion sensor lights near your tent can deter them from raiding your gear.

You don’t need to install lights in a specific area; you can set them up anywhere that is close to your tent. If you live in an area where raccoons are common, it may be best to use multiple lights positioned around the perimeter of your tent.

Lights should be installed at least three feet away from any object that could provide cover for a raccoon, like trees or bushes. To activate the light, simply move the sensor into the desired light position and press the button. When not in use, make sure to store your lights by tucking them out of sight beneath a tree or behind some foliage.

Keep your batteries fresh and replace them whenever needed by unscrewing the base and replacing the AAA battery with a newer one. After using your lights, wait at least ten minutes before re-activating them to avoid startling any animals lurking nearby. Cleaning these sensors is easy—simply wipe them down with a damp cloth when necessary.

Hang A Raccoon Cage

Raccoons are pesky animals that can cause problems if they get into your home or tent. To keep raccoons away, you first need to identify their food sources.

Once you know where the raccoons are getting their food, you can start to put up a raccoon cage. You can buy a pre-made raccoon cage or make one yourself using hardware and supplies from your local home improvement store.

The most important thing is to place the raccoon cage in an area where the animals will not be able to access your food or shelter. If you do have to trap a raccoon, make sure to take out all of their food before releasing them back into the wild.

Finally, always remember to keep your food safe by storing it in a secure location and keeping trash cans closed when camping or hiking.

How To Scare Raccoons Away

If you’re looking to keep raccoons away from your tent, there are a few things you can do. One effective way to scare them off is to make noise.

You can use various tools to make noise, such as banging pots and pans or making loud noises with an airhorn. Another method of scaring the raccoons away is by setting up a fake animal carcass outside your tent.

Make sure to place the carcass in an area where the raccoons are unlikely to find it, such as near tree roots or underbrush. If all else fails and you still see raccoons around your tent, consider investing in a predator guard for your property.

Predator guards work by emitting a high-pitched alarm that scares off predators like the raccoons. The alarm should be activated when you first set up your tent and again every week or so if necessary. If installing a predator guard is not an option, then using deterrents may be your only recourse.

These deterrence methods can include motion sensors and lights that blink on and off randomly, making it difficult for the raccoons to hunt and feed safely.

What To Do If Raccoons Are Already Inside Your Tent

If you have a raccoon problem, there are a few things you can do to deter them from entering your tent. One thing you can do is install an electric fence around your property.

Another deterrent is to keep food out of the tent and away from where the raccoons can get it. Clean up any spilled food or garbage in areas near the tent before bedtime. Make sure your tent is pitched in such a way that the raccoons cannot climb up on it or into it.

If all else fails, call a professional wildlife removal service to take care of the raccoons for you.

How To Clean Up After A Raccoon Encounter

If you live in an area where raccoons are common, learning how to keep them away from your tent is important. There are a few things you can do to discourage the animals from coming near your tent: use deterrents, scare them off with noise, or keep their food locked up.

If deterrence doesn’t work, then using a noisemaker may help deter the raccoon while you clean up after the encounter. Once they have been scaring off the raccoon and you have cleaned up the mess, make sure to put all of your deterrents back in place.

When it comes to food storage, make sure that what you store is out of reach for raccoons and other critters such as squirrels and bears.

Finally, when packing up your camping gear for another trip, make sure to take all of your deterrents with you in case of another encounter.


There are many ways to keep raccoons away from tents, but the most effective method is to set up a fence around the perimeter of the tent.

If you do not have access to a fence, try using repellent or noise devices to scare away the raccoons. If all else fails and raccoons are already raiding your tent, it is best to abandon it and buy a new one.

Always use caution when camping in areas with a high concentration of raccoons, as they can be dangerous predators.

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